Chimoney's Network of Payment Networks is growing fast
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On building a Network of Payment Networks at Chimoney

Uchi Uchibeke

Summary: In our latest blog post, we are excited to share Chimoney’s progress in our journey to build a Network of Payment Networks and unlock economic opportunities for everyone. We’ve increased transaction volume, transaction value and number of users using the Chimoney Platform. Additionally, we have expanded our supported payout and redeem options to include more currencies, countries, wallet types, and tokens and 500 million+ products from Amazon and Shopify. We are thrilled to see the positive impact of our mission to unlock economic opportunities for everyone through fair recognition of value so no one is left behind.


Over a year ago, Chimoney publicly launched with a big, bold mission to unlock economic opportunities for everyone by making value move between ledgers, currencies, countries, local wallets and emerging stores of value.

We are barely past the first quarter of 2023 and the Growth and Finance teams here at Chimoney are already reporting impressive growth in multiple key indexes at Chimoney, marking what is set to be our strongest year yet!

Here are a few Chimoney milestones from the last year


45x increase in transactions compared to same time last year

We are excited to report a significant increase in the total number and value of transactions. Compared to the same time in the previous year, Chimoney has seen a percentage rate of increase in transaction value of over 4,500%.

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More Organizations are using Chimoney to send payouts, and we are pleased to be facilitating these transactions for small and large organizations and everyone in-between. The transactions per client is also growing as we onboard more Payment networks and cash-out options. And our month-over-month transaction growth rate is not slowing down anytime soon.

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We grew User Accounts by 600%

There's an old saying or proverb that says "If you build it, they will come". We followed this advice, built it and sold it, and people have come, just as expected. In the past year, Chimoney experienced an increase in the number of User Accounts on our platform. When people receive Payment on Chimoney, they not only cash out and leave but more of them are creating Chimoney Accounts and holding their funds in their Chimoney Wallets.

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Compared to the same time in the previous year, active User Accounts on the Chimoney Platform grew by 600%. This is a testament to the trust our corporate clients and users have in us and the value we provide them. As we scale our API, we expect a 50-100x increase in User Accounts created through third-party integrations. We are constantly working to improve our Platform and ensure that our users have the best possible experience when using Chimoney that is why we launched

And we are just getting started.


Chimoney hosts 500 million+ cash-out and offramp options

Finally, we have expanded the number of supported payout and redeem options on our platform. We have added more banks and countries to our list of supported options, making it easier for our clients to send Payouts across borders.

On the ecommerce side, Chimoney’s infrastructure now boosts over 500 million products from Amazon and Shopify stores which are shoppable in the Unispend Marketplace. This expansion has been well-received by our users and has contributed to the growth we have seen this year especially in the emerging stores of value segment.

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Chimoney’s growth is a result of our continued efforts to expand our Products, improve our user experience, and provide more value to our users. With growth, comes more expectations and our recent Security Improvements is helping to increase trust between Chimoney and our Clients.

In conclusion, we at Chimoney are proud of the growth we have experienced this year. We are committed to providing our users with the best possible experience and will continue to improve our Products and Platform to meet their needs. We would like to thank all of our users for their trust and support, and we look forward to continuing to grow together.

Please, book a Demo to see Chimoney in action and learn about our Global Bulk Payouts Product, Developer API and SDKs, Wallet as a Service Product and our other products.

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